Wyveri the Wyvern

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Wyveri the Wyvern is a truly a sight to behold. A close friend of Draggi the Dragon, this two-legged winged creature takes great pride in their smooth violet scales and deeply magical wisdom. You can find Wyveri flying high over the land of Bellzi, a sparkle of purple in the sky...and then they're gone! Bring home this mystical yet lovable fantasy friend, Wyveri the Wyvern, and soar to greater heights.

Size: Length 6.5" x Depth 13" x Height 11.5" (Wing Length: 5")

★ The coat is made from a very soft manmade synthetic fiber 
★ Stuffed with 100% premium non bunch polyester filling 
★ High-Quality Stitching 
★ Good for all ages